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Selling On Amazon

How To Find Profitable Books To Flip Using eFLIP

Welcome to lesson 3 in the 14-Day eFLIP Challenge. In this lesson we dive into various searches that can be done on eFLIP to find the most profitable books to flip Amazon FBA. In this video we cover the top 5 eFLIP searches you should be looking at.

Video Transcript (unedited):

What's going on everyone? Matthew Osborn here. Welcome to the third part in the 14 day ebook challenge intro series. If this is the first video you're watching, go back watch video one then video two and then come back and watch this video there. But in order to help you guys know how to do this 14 day challenge in this specific video, we're going to dive into the types of searches you can do for Eclipse to find profitable books to resell online.

Alright, so now we are getting into the fun part. First part was making the plan and hopefully that was fun for you too. But that's just giving you an outline of what to do for the next 14 days. Second part if you've never used a flipper don't know what online arbitrage is. That explains that and this video into the fun stuff of actually finding the profitable books to flip. We're gonna be talking about the different ways you can use the flip to find profitable books. Now, a lot of people want to think of a flipped think of textbooks, they buy textbooks in the offseason sell them in the season, or in textbook season and they make very large margins doing that.

Very often you can find textbooks for $15 in the offseason, and then sell those same textbooks for 30 4050 6080 $100 in textbook season. So the margins are very attractive, it's easy to see why a lot of people kind of lean towards textbooks when they're doing the flip. Except I want to caution people that are just starting the flip that are just doing this challenge as a first time getting into online arbitrage to not do textbooks right off the bat. There's two reasons for that. Number one, normally, when you're buying textbooks, you're gonna be buying them in like May June July, hoping to sell them at the end of August beginning of September.

That means you're gonna be spending money for three months, hopefully you consistently to get good results from it. So you're spending money for three months, you're not going to get any money back from those books until textbook season rolls around. So it's difficult especially if you don't have tons of capital to start out doing textbooks give me buying for a long time before you see any of that return. The second and probably the biggest reason I don't recommend you to textbooks if you're just starting out.

It is that you make more mistakes when you're first starting out. The reason we tell a lot of people to start with the hundred book challenge do physical sourcing first is that the risk is a lot lower, you might make a mistake still, but you're spending 50 cents to $1 on a book versus e flip, you'll be spending 10 2030 $40 in the book. And it can be more costly mistakes. So last thing you want to do is spend three months and a ton of your money buying textbooks that you think are profitable, but you're looking at it the wrong way. Maybe you're not analyzing it correctly, and textbook season rolls around and it's a flop you've lost a lot of money.

That's not where we want you to be, we want you to be successful from the start. So just to get your feet wet to figure out if you're doing it successfully. We want those quicker flips to come first. So you can get that feedback. You can get profitable reinvest into doing higher capital, moving your plan up spending more money, making more money. And if you're making mistakes, you see that very quickly and you're not waiting for months to see if you've made mistakes. So that's the reason I say for this challenge.

If you're new, stay away from textbooks for right now you can dabble in it if you want to textbook season is coming up. But just know like I said, if you're making bad decisions accidentally, you won't know it for a couple months, and then it will be costly. So I don't want to scare you from it in the future. People do it successfully a lot of people do very successfully with the flip, just wait until you've got a little more experience under your belt. But the cool thing about this challenge that is that we're gonna be doing a lot of quick flips. We're gonna be doing a lot of merchantability to FBA.

I'll show you a few other ones we can do. We're going to be getting the money back quicker into your pocket and a lot of people don't, don't use the foot for this purpose. They go straight to textbooks and think that's all you can use the Flipboard not at all we're going to show you the other ways you can do it. That would outliers that you flip two point O kind of thing I was telling you about was first released. Caleb did a video outlining how to use outliers and you show is almost the exact same searches I was planning on showing for this challenge. So instead of redoing it, Caleb to explain it probably a lot better than I can.

So we're going to splice in that video of him showing the different searches you can do, I want you to pay attention, he shows five different searches, he shows low merchantability, higher prime, he shows how to ignore the prime price and go to the third highest merchant fulfilled, he'll show how to use Amazon's price and to ignore Amazon's offers or to not ignore Amazon's offers a lot of different things to go over. So I'm going to splice in that video right after this, write down the different searches he's doing.

You can say search number one, see the criteria he's putting in there. And you can kind of write down a few different searches you guys can start doing for this challenge. Again, I recommend doing the searches he talks about in this coming segment versus going straight into textbooks. So take some notes and we'll meet up again in just a moment. Again, the way this works is you can set this up and say for example, I want to find the cheapest used price. I don't want to spend any more than 20. Again, these prices include shipping. Let's go right and just show you how this works. Again the main concept of V flip is cheap merchant fulfilled offers are the cheap US copy.

And we actually want to see what the cheapest prime copy is. So we're going to say, hey, let's look at, for example, the lowest prime price. And we're going to go and say I want it the cheapest prime price to be at least 50 bucks, I don't care what the new buy boxes necessarily are, the US by box will leave that alone, new by box, or cheapest prime, let's try and find 50 bucks or higher, Amazon 50 or higher. And we included this checkbox. And what this does is it lets you say, hey, I want to find books where Amazon's on the listing for 50 or higher, or I want to include ones that Amazon's not on the listing.

So you can turn that on or off before if you wanted to find books that weren't on the list, and you had to take Amazon sliders and slide and both down to zero. And it was just a second search, not a big deal. We tried to make that just a little bit easier. So we're going to find books where Amazon's on it for 50 or higher or is not on it. We're going to leave the rank at a million East score. You can change this as much as you want. We're going to say six so I want a book to be selling at least once a month. So 16 times in the last six months, we're going to hit search.

Again, if you're used to E flip, you're used to instantaneous results, this will take probably three to five seconds, but I guarantee it's worth it. So the same filtering situations apply, if you click on the title it's going to bring up all offers. If you click on the ESPN, it's going to bring up the prime offers. Now before we dig in, look, the lowest price price in the US by box, they almost always match. So again, they used by box almost always goes to the lowest prime price. In some cases here, it's higher, that's probably because this seller is either just launched or doesn't have great metric. Let's go look at it.

So the hundred $99 ranking Actually, it's a big seller with great feedback, but for whatever reason, they didn't qualify for the buy box. So maybe they've got some issues on their account. Who knows what it is could just be a glitch. But in that case, you can see the buy box is a little bit higher. In some cases, it's lower. So the cheapest prime price here is 65 bucks. The buy box actually went to the lowest used offer which in this case is probably merchant fulfilled.

We can go click through there, see if we can figure out why. So there's plenty of prime options now. And either none of them qualify, or some of them just listed and will qualify instead. But again, if your goal is to find cheap merchant fulfilled books, in this case, $11, sell them prime. This is this is again, it's sort of like cheating, it gives you access to this data. So let's go see if these offers are still here. Again, prices change a lot. That's common, it's okay. Again, we update everything within the last 24 hours. And in this case, that cheapest offer is gone. If we were to buy this next offer up, it'd be 24 plus four, be about 28 bucks, and it's in good condition.

And we can sell it prime for in the $58 range. So let's just before even look at the numbers, see if it's a good buy. So again, we're going to buy it for roughly 28 we can sell it for roughly 58. If we did that again, we'd spend $28. The software knows what the weight is, it factors all the fees in for Amazon, and it tells us we make a profit of $14. So again, the ROI is only 50% but You're not waiting for the price to go back up, you can sell that immediately. It's a $14 profit with just one click.

If you use a prep company, you typically pay them $1 to $1 50 to manage it for you, and never touch that book. Let's zoom out and see if this shows textbook patterns. Here we see a nice smiley face green is the sales rank. So this is selling a lot the price went up in January, it's actually selling a lot more in August, you can see the demand was was a lot stronger and longer in this case. So this would be a good book to flip. Now, again, the price is normally in the 20 to 30 to 40 or $50 range.

And for whatever reason, the prices recently just tanked. Probably a couple of sellers have come on this listing and just drop the price. So that's great. It's not as good as if we'd found that at five or six or eight or 10 bucks, but we could still buy it for 28 and sell it for that $58 range. Now there is a lot of resistance at the $59 range. If you're willing to wait for five or six or seven people to sell out. It's feasible. You could get into 70 or 80 or $90 range, but you're going to wait longer for that.

And again, the goal with outliers is to try to look for those quick flips. Look at some other ones. Here's a book for 19, the lowest price should be 55. So let's see if the $19 offer is still there. Looks like someone beat us to that one as well. However, we can pick one up for about 30. And the cheapest prime should be in the $55 range, which it is for willing to wait and be number two, we can be 60. This book is selling consistently, I don't really see a textbook pattern. So this isn't necessarily a textbook, it does look like a educational title. But this book is selling a lot I see a lot of heart rate, I do see a little bit of a smiley face in August. Probably not maybe a little bit in January, but not a time.

So this books likely to sell it's not a not a you know, not a home run. But we can buy this again for about 30 sell for 55 to 59, somewhere in that range. And again, make close to 40% ROI. So that's again, this is the main concept behind outliers. But this is just the very first search it's very powerful. Let's show you a couple other searches here. As we get into this intro video as well.

So it's not just for finding cheap merchant fulfilled or the prime is higher, you can do that here, we could actually do this same search and actually bring prime prices down to zero. So again, if there's no prime prices in the lowest 15 to 20 offers, then they won't show up in the API. So we could actually do this same search and find books where there is no prime price visible because there's not a prime price in the lowest 15 to 20 offers so you'll see no value shows up if we brought these sliders down both to zero will find ones that have no value. So here we can see that the buy box so these are books that wouldn't necessarily show up in the search we had just done.

These are all different. You can see the cheapest use Price Is 11 the buy box is 21 that's not high enough to justify 820 No thanks. Five to you know, seven know, so again, you can quickly look down 16 to 42 that's intriguing. He scores 54 so it's selling a lot. Let's see if we can still get a $16 offer. Looks like it's still there. 1274 plus shipping again includes landed prices. We could buy this good for tonight.

plus four, so it's going to be about 16 to $17. Let's see if that Prime price is still in that $42 range, which it is. So again, this software is like having an X ray vision. If you're looking for those flips, it's going to be, it's going to be fantastic. Let's go back and look at books that are about 50 or higher. And instead of looking at the cheapest prime, I'm going to look at the third lowest used and there's a reason for this. We could look at the second us and just find prices where there's one outlier price, one price that's way below where everybody else is. I don't want to look at those because usually that's when someone listed a PDF or an instructor's edition, or international edition or damaged book.

And so no everybody's ignoring that seller. I want to find books where there's two prices that are in this cheap range under 20 bucks. And the third price third lowest used it could be primer merchant fulfilled the third lowest price is at least 50 bucks. And what I'm looking for here is books where the meat of the market or the resistance is in that $50 range and there are cheap offers.

Under 20 bucks what usually happens here what one you could have some some bad additions again you could have two instructors additions listed when I'm hopeful for is we're going to find books that somebody repriced incorrectly really low, somebody else's reprice their match them, and they got into a bidding war, or a bidding war, not where they win, but where the buyers win. And in this case, we can see the lowest price is 12 bucks. The third lowest price is 614. Let's see what's going on here.

So, again, we're not our database does not have new pricing in it, it's just going to have Amazon's or the new buy box. A lot of times when you see cheap new prices, that could be a red flag that there could be counterfeits, or in this case, maybe not. So here's those two outliers. We're seeing some open box stuff so this may be considered like a software that's pretty rare to see that in the books category. Looks like it's in the health household and baby care.

So maybe that's not the best book you want to get. It definitely is a book. So for whatever reason, Amazon's settings are made perhaps just a bit off here, but in this type of condition, you can come in here, buy up the cheapest two offers, and then resell them prime or even merchant fulfilled in the 50 or $60 range, it is selling quite often based on the rank chart up there. Amazon's not on this listing, there's no orange listing here. So nothing to worry about their look at a few other options. So again, here's one for $20. The third lowest is 73. So let's go and see why there's some outlier prices. Looks like somebody beat us to that one.

So off to the next search. Again, a $19 range which there is looks like somebody bought another one here that used to be two in this cheap range. Now there's not so someone beat us to it. Again, I stay away from anything with liquid damage. I'm going to leave it alone. When you do find books like this where there is one outlier price. This is a great example to come into keep a say track product and actually set the US price to be 15 that you want to get notified when it drops to 1511 or less. You can say start tracking they'll actually send you an email. That's how I typically get my results.

So somebody came in and undercut the the source one of these reprice er said, Hey, we haven't sold it and we're now free months on the market, it's time to drop our price, you will get notified immediately from keeper. that'll let you know to go in there and snatch up that book if someone drops their price under what the lowest prices. So I love it when I see these books that are damaged, I'm not going to buy them. But if someone price is under it, that's a great chance to come in and scalp the listing and try and resell that.

Let's try and find a couple more here. So here's some again, anytime I see new prices really low, I get a little concerned, it doesn't necessarily mean anything's wrong. But a lot of times that can indicate there's some counterfeits going on.

It's important here you got some prices at 1010 1020 jumps up to 30 and then 50. Now this book isn't selling all that often, if we zoom out, we don't really see a textbook pattern, it's probably selling once a month, once every two to three weeks give or take and the US price is pretty much been in this $10 range. So that's not a great example to come in and try and move the market. It's never shown cases that it's going to sell in the $40 range. That's probably not what I would buy.

But again, that's The concept behind outliers you're trying to find either mispriced or cheaply price books where you can buy up the market by 234 10 copies if you're really aggressive, and try and move those for profit. Let's show you just a couple other searches real quick. So we're going to clear this out. Again, it does take a couple seconds to load, but I promise it's worth it. Let's find some examples here where the lowest us price is under 10 bucks. Let's go find some really cheap ones. And again, if you're if you're watching this, I'm posting it today on November 27 2017. If you're watching this, feel free to come in i'm not buying into these books on the live search. So if you're the first one in and you see something good and feel free to come in and snatch that up, I'm going to leave the US one alone, I don't care, we're just going to go right to the buy box. So again by box is usually lowest used prime price. So I want to spend less than 10.

I want to price it prime for 40 or higher. I want the new buy box or the cheapest new prime to be in that same range of 40 or higher. I want Amazon to be on the listing for 50 or higher and if they're not on the list and I'm going to look at that as well rank at 1 million a score, I like to put it. Again, feel free to tweak these, I like to put it at six, we're going to do that, do that search real quick, see what pops back. And again, you can sort these ones the results come up, you can sort it by a score low to high or high to low rank low to high Amazon, again, we're getting offers were Amazon's on it for high or they're not on the listing. So again, it's returning a lot more of those results for you. In this case here we can see the lowest price is eight, next lowest is 14 the buy box is 46.

So all of these are potential good flips again, it's it's it's dependent upon having good flips in here. So here we've got two prices, we got lots of offers in the good range. This books not selling often it is a January textbook. So this book actually would be a good book to flip you can see in January, you could snag it for under $1 plus shipping. With all the demand came up the price actually went the lowest us price went to $34. And prime was probably higher. We don't we don't know that nobody has that data necessarily.

And then in the offseason, it came back down just a function of supply and demand. So this would be a good book, you can get shipped in for $5, the cheapest prime should be in the $43 range unless it moves, looks like it's still is Amazon's now on the listing for 55. So you don't want to price too close to them. But you could buy up some offers, certainly in that $5 range. Let's say you just wanted to be next in line and not even wait and try and get what was it 43. Let's say 43 is a little high. If you're fine going at 2995, you can get a 280% ROI. If that price will go back up in textbook season, you can get that $43 price point, there's a 500% ROI again a profit of $25 on a $5 investment.

Feel free to play with the calculator because you can put in cheaper prices. Let's say you only get 1995 you would still double your money $5 may not be worth it to ship it in deal with some returns. Send it into Amazon but again, spend five to make five and that's that's probably worst case. So that's a pretty good example. Let's look at some other books. Here's a $10 book and somebody beat us to That again, that's fairly common prices are changing. Here's a $9 67 cent book. So five plus 467 is 967. Again, water rankling, I'm ignoring that one. The next price up is 17. I'm good with that.

Looks like it's not a really big textbook pattern. But the pricing has sold in the $30 range merchant fulfilled, didn't sell for a while kind of in the offseason looks like maybe more sales here. So this book has sold in the 20 to $30 range, I've never seen it jump really high. So maybe not a great flip, we can probably do better. But that's the concept here, you can essentially cheat or have that X ray vision and find out what the cheapest prime prices one more and then we'll let you have at it. So again, it's great to look for these cheap books, but that's where everybody's looking. That's where the competition is. So look, I like to go up a little bit higher, let's find something in the let's say 30 to $50 range. And again, just like the old the flip, you're used to if you want to type in any specific price, you can do that. If you have a magic price point or whatever. Let's look between 30 and 50. Again, I'm going to leave the lowest

US alone, I want the minimum used by box. Let's go crazy, let's make it be at least 100, the new buy box at least 100, Amazon, let's push it up to let's say 125 will leave the rank a million or less and the score at six or greater, what we're doing is we're trying to find books in the 30 to $50 range that we can buy shipped to our house or prep company. And then we can sell prime for at least 100. So here we go, who's the lowest use that 45 second lowest, you know, they're in that same range, which is what you would expect the US by boxes over 100. So this book we can see the rank is great score is selling nearly every day, at least two out of three days. Let's see if the $45 price point is still there it is but again, this is acceptable. So you'll see these mega sellers that list them, they've they've either got them and they can't move it locally. Or you know again there some some students don't care. They're just going to buy water damage book for us. I don't like to buy these. I would buy something like this, although 86% isn't a great feedback. But again, they've got 19 books like new

Maybe that's a red flag there. But that's a book you could potentially buy at $62. This book is sold in the $60 range, no problem. If we zoom out we do see a nice textbook pattern and the price even jumping up as high as about 70 or $80 USD what's new, it's probably higher. Sorry, prime, it's probably higher. We see a nice textbook pattern again, where the price is low prior to August rank drops, price goes up. That's exactly what we want to see. This is a very good textbook pattern and it sells well in the offseason as well. So again, I'll probably do two things. One, I might look to buy this for the $65 price point and try and list it in that hundred dollar range to I'm going to set a keep alert and if somebody drops this price at 4179 or cheaper, I want to get triggered and hopefully find a good book maybe from a goodwill or from another seller where their reprice er kicked in or a new seller came on that listing either one. So I would I would do two things I would set a trap to track it to let's see if that cheapest prime price is still there. It is in the hundred dollar range and if I'm willing to be number

Two in line, I can get 119, three in line, I can get 150. But then I'm actually getting too close to Amazon. So I probably price in the 119 129 range. And again, we could buy this like new there was 19 copies available for about $66. Let's match the lowest prime at 109. Again, the ROI is not high, it's 31%. But you're making $20 a click, this particular seller had multiple copies. And if again, if there's Dan, if there's any, any problems if it's not the right book, if it's an instructor's edition, if it's a counterfeit, any problems, you can always return to Amazon. It's a little bit of a headache, but you're never out any money. If we're able to get 119. We can make 40% ROI and a profit of about 29 or closer to $30 per click. Again, there's 19 books, if you're willing to really roll the dice you could buy 568 10 all 19 copies, it's up to you. If you're just starting out, you don't have a lot of capital, I would not put all your eggs in one basket. I might buy a copier to wait for 109 and see what happens again if the price drops to 99 which is not unheard

realistic, it's not you should be able to sell it at 99. If there's other prices in the 60 or $70, merchant fulfilled range, you can make 11 bucks. So again, you're probably not going to lose money again, you could the market can change at any time, just like the stock market, but that's what we're after. All right. Hopefully that video was helpful for you guys. Hopefully, you saw quite a few ways that you can use outliers to find profitable books to flip for this 14 Day Challenge. I recommend a lot of you guys like I said, write down those searches, use some of those same searches and make some little adjustments for yourself based on the results you're getting to find books that fit the criteria you're looking for. Again, I really want to emphasize one of the things Caleb talked about a couple times in the video you just saw is that the lower price books when you do the offers at $10 or lower versus like prime for dealers or higher. A lot of people are trying to find those exact books because they're cheap. One of the best things you can do and do a success place to go for the higher price books. You saw one of his searches. He went and said one of the bottom he said lower

merchant fulfilled is between 20 and $50. And then the highest prime is $100 or greater, a lot fewer people are looking for those books, because they don't want to spend $50 in the book. But as long as the ROI is there, as long as the potential is there to sell that book, it's better to be spending $50 on a merchant fulfilled book, because the fees are going to be less from Amazon, there's always those fixed fees plus the variable fees. So the fixed fees you're paying, whether you're buying a $10 book or selling a $10 book, or $100 book, the variable fees will be adjusted so you have more coming back into your pocket. By doing those higher priced books, you have less competition into those higher price books. And the benefit of this challenge you're trying to do with one today. If I have a goal of spending $30 each day, I can either find 310 dollar books, or I can find 130 dollar book that perfectly fits my criteria. So don't just try and be bottom feeders. You guys can do that there is profit in it, but there's a lot less competition up a little higher. So shoot up a little higher. Find out what works for you, and then start doing

Some purchases Today, I'll be doing updates on YouTube every day for the next 14 days, they'll be very short, I won't be showing the exact ISP ends that I'm buying. And I'll try and show the charts, why I purchased the book, I did the estimated ROI, and then tracking it along the way. Now before you guys run off and start buying books for this challenge, download the tracker below. That's going to be the plans you can put in your plan in there. And then if you look at the tabs at the bottom of the Excel spreadsheet, you can also open your tracker for the flip I highly recommend you use this. One of the most important parts about doing the flip is you can have a bunch of different books come to your house from a bunch of different sellers. You need to have some way of tracking which books come in which books don't show up in your house. And also which condition is your them and did you get the right book does it actually match? That is something going to have to do is when books come into your house. And when you buy books, make sure you input that information into that tracking spreadsheet there and then check off if it's been received with

The proper book because every once in a while you will have sellers send you the wrong book or worse condition than you purchased it that and you'll want to return that. Just to make note of if you want to return a book the seller has to pay for everything you can return it completely free. If the seller tries to say you have to pay for shipping you don't you can contact amazon for that. So be sure to take advantage of that if they send the wrong book please return that book.

Don't just try and keep it write it off as a loss return that book that's why it's great to track this as you go along. So be on the lookout for those updates if you guys think it would be helpful to do kind of a maybe a live stream once a week for the next two weeks. We can analyze books together and stuff like that. Let me know in the comments below if you think that would be helpful and I will do that. But yeah be look out for my updates for the next 14 days. Hopefully you guys can stay on track follow your plan and spend 10 to 15 minutes a day doing this and see it online arbitrage works well for you.

Hopefully it will and you guys will be successful with it. Thank you for watching his intro videos. The next day you guys will see will be my first update of what Purchase day one of the 14 day juice love challenge. Thank you guys for being here. Talk to you soon.

Written by
Matthew Osborn
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